APEX: Updating Interactive Grid Cells

March 9, 2017 at 5:34 pm | Posted in Oracle Developement | 15 Comments

Moving from the old tabular form to the interactive grid takes some getting used to. Especially when trying to manually update cells with JavaScript.

Here is an example of how to access and modify particular cells in an interactive grid with JavaScript. The example promotes an employee when the Promote link is clicked, which doubles the employee’s salary, and assigns him a new job.

First I built an interactive grid on the EMP table. I’ve used all the defaults except:
Enable editing with Update Row.
Set the region’s static ID to emps.
Added a link column with target type: URL, URL: #


The link text is set to Promote, and I added class (ig-link) so that I can connect a dynamic action to it:


Next I created a dynamic action that fires when the Promote link is clicked.


The true action is a Execute JavaScript Code action, with the following code:

//Get the link element that was clicked
var $te = $(this.triggeringElement);

//Get the ID of the row
var rowId = $te.closest('tr').data('id');

//Identify the particular interactive grid
var ig$ = apex.region("emps").widget();

//Fetch the model for the interactive grid
var model = ig$.interactiveGrid("getViews","grid").model;

//Fetch the record for the particular rowId
var record = model.getRecord(rowId);

//Access the cell value via the column name
var sal = model.getValue(record,"SAL");

//Set the values for the JOB and SAL cells

Here is the working example:


It is worth noting that the <tr> element of the interactive grid row contains the row’s unique identifier. This could be a row ID or a primary key value, depending on how you configured the grid.



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  1. Thanks, this worked. Any idea how I can change the color of the value selected? I was doing this based on id

    row_id = $(this.triggeringElement ).attr(‘id’);

  2. Hi Christoph,
    Thanks for another 2 cents. I went ahead and followed the tutorial. Everything worked 🙂

  3. Hi Christoph, I am not very keen on java script, so I did not manage to make your Dynamic action work. When you say “I added class (ig-link)”, what does it mean really ? Just put “Class=”ig.link”” in Link attributes value ? or is there something else to do ? Thanks for your feedback.

    • You are correct: just put class=”ig.link” into the link attributes. This allows the JavaScript to reference the link.

  4. Thanks Christoph. And what about rowId, ‘tr’, and ‘id’ ? I don’t have any rowid in my select but an Id which is unique (ID_TASK). So could the javascript code become :

    //Get the link element that was clicked
    var $te = $(this.triggeringElement);

    //Get the ID of the row
    var rowId = $te.closest(‘tr’).data(‘ID_TASK’);

    //Identify the particular interactive grid
    var ig$ = apex.region(“emps”).widget();

    //Fetch the model for the interactive grid
    var model = ig$.interactiveGrid(“getViews”,”grid”).model;

    //Fetch the record for the particular rowId
    var record = model.getRecord(rowId); …etc…

  5. Hi Christoph Sorry, What I actually meant was…
    //Get the link element that was clicked
    var $te = $(this.triggeringElement);
    //Get the ID of the row
    var rowId = $te.closest(‘ID_TASK’).data(‘id’);
    //Identify the particular interactive grid
    var ig$ = apex.region(“emps”).widget();
    //Fetch the model for the interactive grid
    var model = ig$.interactiveGrid(“getViews”,”grid”).model;
    //Fetch the record for the particular rowId
    var record = model.getRecord(rowId); …etc…

  6. Hi Christoph, that’s working now, thanks. Except when I click on the “Save” button. I keep searching why (however Editing is enabled)

    • Glad you got it to work. What happens when you click Save?

      • SAL becomes ‘-‘ and column in database becomes null. When I put directly an amount, for example 1500 (model.setValue(record,”SAL”,1500);), it works.

  7. Hi Christoph, Another issue I got is that when I am on the bottom of a list (I had to scroll down before being on the row), when I click on “Promote”, I am automatically led to the top of the list. Have you got the same behavior?

  8. Hi Christoph, how can I pass selected row primary keys to a form in modal dialog?

    • Hi Sejal,
      i think you could simply set an apex page item, and then use a dynamic action that fires on a custom event to submit the page and branch to the modal page:

      To set the page item use:

      In the JavaScript block:
      //Set P10_SELECTED_EMPNO to the value of the empno of the selected row

      //Trigger custom DA to call modal page.
      apex.event.trigger(document, “myEvent”);

      Create a dynamic action that fires on the custom event “myEvent”
      Event: Custom
      Custom Event: myEvent
      Selection Type: JavaScript Expression
      JavaScript Expression: document

      Create a true action that submits the page:
      Action: Submit Page
      Request / button Name: CALL_MODAL

      Create a branch that calls the modal page and passes P10_SELECTED_EMPNO:
      Type: Page or URL (Redirect)
      Type: Page in this application
      Page: 20
      Set Items:
      Name: P20_EMPNO
      Value: &P10_SELECTED_EMPNO.

  9. […] APEX: Updating Interactive Grid Cells 2017.03 […]

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